Find the best event venues in Jyväskylä
Escape / Waikiki
Escape is the largest nightclub in Jyväskylä and there are plenty of facilities you can book for parties and dinners. A party at Waikiki speaks Pacific Island atmosphere.
Pizzeria Bella Roma, Jyväskylä
This cosy pizzeria is a setting for a cosy party, celebration or any kind of festive event. Great location, great food and even sauna facilities available. M/S Löyly
Charming sauna boat provides a crash course to enjoying Finnish summer. This unique sauna boat will take you on a lakeside cruise. Get in the sauna, take a dip and enjoy.
Hotelli Verso / Juhlatila Kerkkä
Fresh, young hotel at the center of the city provides a safe haven for weary party groups. Clean, sleek party space transforms into whatever you need.
Ravintola Harmooni / Aapelin sali
Classy restaurant right by the train station is a cozy getaway in the middle of the city.