Lisätietoa palveluista ja puitteista:
- Uusittu, korkealaatuinen äänentoisto
- Monipuolinen valotekniikka - saat salin sävyn kokonaan mukautettua tilaisuuteesi sopivaksi
Lisätietoa hinnoittelusta:
Hinnoittelu räätälöidään tapahtumakohtaisesti. Olethan rohkeasti yhteydessä!
The room arrangement and food was wonderful! The staff was so nice when there was a mishap with the seating chart/name tag, and when I asked to leave some food for my late friend, they comforted me and made everything possible! The staff even helped me pack the leftovers! I'm very thankful for the lovely environment and super nice staff! The only part that bothered me a bit was the attitude of the correspondent Anne. I understand there was a bit of complications for the koronkka event. First it overlapped with other events so the number of guests were different from expected. I messaged Anne immediately when I realized this, she was not happy of course but we did work out the payment to still keep the reservation. When I went in to talk to her she again was upset. I went there early in case I get lost, I went there and asked the kitchen staff about the meeting place, they showed me where she was, I then went and said hi to her and sat down to wait at another table so I don't disturb her. She was very upset when she came over and apparently wasn't happy that I came through the kitchen, and I'm not sure what else I did to make her unhappy. Another incident was with the seating chart. I thought the restaurant would provide the name tags so I sent the seating chart to Anne well in advanced but only realized I had to do that myself at the karonkka. I asked about name tags, and the staff naturally went to Anne to ask about it, she stormed out and is almost yelling, telling me she never agreed to do the name tag. In an attempt to help her calm down I said oh it's a misunderstanding, I would have prepared the name tags if I knew I should be the one doing that. She got more upset and shouted it's not a misunderstanding. I also asked her at the meeting (and emphasized by asking more than once) to leave some dance space for at the end of the room for the after party, that was not done, we moved the tables out of the way ourselves. I really liked the restaurant, the food and the people there, but these encounters with Anne was not easy on me as I'm not a confrontational person and these experiences put me at unease.
Suosittuja hakuja kaupungissa: Turku
Venuusta varaat helposti uniikit tilat yritys- ja yksityistilaisuuksiin kuten juhliin, kokouksiin, illallisiin, lounas- ja aamiaistilaisuuksiin, saunailtoihin, kesäjuhliin sekä pikkujouluihin. Parhaat juhlatilat valmistujaisiin, karonkkaan, syntymäpäiviin ja häihin. Katso kuvat, lue kokemuksia ja löydä parhaat hinnat. Varaus on aina 100% ilmaista!