Wedding Venues in Oulu

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Venuu on tapahtumatilojen varauspalvelu, josta löydät juhlapaikat, kokoustilat ja saunatilat helposti.

Find the best wedding venues in Oulu

Looking to celebrate your wedding in or around Oulu? On you can find a great selection of suitable locations and venues for wedding parties. is the biggest venue booking site in Finland and makes it easy and hassle-free to find, contact and book the venue of your dreams! There are amazing options for celebrating your wedding in Oulu, everything from cosy wooden cottages in the middle of beautiful nature and more formal and stylish party rooms and much more. Regardless of the style you are aiming for, it being rustic, romantic, modern or cosy there are many possibilities. Check out all the options for weddings in Oulu and book your favourite wedding venue right away!

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