Find the best seminar facilities in Tampere
Pyynikin Panimo
Unique space with an industrial vibe for conferences and seminars in the heart of Tampere.
Technopolis / Auditorio Hermia
Organise an inspiring conference in Auditorium Hermia located in the heart of Tampere's techn district Hervanta.
Seitsemäs taivas / Sali
Affordable space for seminars and workshops located close to the center of Tampere. Perfect for mid-sized gatherings.
Kokouskeskus Puistotorni / Juhlasali
Stunning banquet hall perfect venue for bigger seminars and events that require and exquisite location.
Technopolis / Häggman -sali
Spacious, bright and modern hall for various events, conferences and gatherings.
Työväenmuseo Werstas / Auditorio
This comfortable audytorium is suitable for up to 70 persons and is located in Tampere's famous Finlayson area.
Crazy Town Tampere / Tapahtumatila
Inspirational space for your event in the center of Tampere. Organise your seminar or a networking event in this start-up friendly location.